Tuesday, September 25, 2018

INTERVIEW - The Latest in Cosmetic Work for Guys with Kris Venezia - Part Two

This year's Sweeps Period concludes with the 2nd Part of my conversation with Kris Venezia about what is new in the areas of cosmetic work available for guys.

This is not a suggestion or endorsement for you to run out and get cosmetic work, but for many older guys, especially those who have suffered from the effects of HIV and the powerful drugs that are taken to keep it at bay, this information is important. With some, it could even be life-saving, as the depression and isolation people often feel can take its toll on the psyche.

In this second half, we discuss Cool Sculpting, Gastric Bypass and Hair Pieces (and those in Hollywood that wear them!) So sit back and enjoy this insider's look at the world of cosmetic work.

** This Sunday, September 30, 2018, is International Podcast Day and will be the announcement of the Winners of the 13th Annual People's Choice Podcast Awards. I am Nominated for 2 Podcast Awards: The LGBTQ Podcast Award and the Mature Podcast Award. Please tune-in LIVE on Sunday at 8:00 pm Eastern Time (5:00 pm Pacific Time) for the Announcement of the Winners. Go to PodcastAwards.com to view the Awards LIVE. Thanks !!! **

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Self-Doubt vs. Confidence - Impostor Syndrome

At the request of a listener from British Columbia, Canada regarding his self-doubt as he takes a new position running a sports team, we look at two self-esteem philosophies: The Peter Principle and Impostor Syndrome. Now while these theories can be viewed as a negative source of esteem, when coupled with a more applicable and positive method of coping with self-esteem that we talk about in the second half of today's episode, we can assess our self-doubt easier when looking at this subject from various points of view. The episode concludes with a basic tenant of success that we can all apply in times of indecision and uncertainty.

A Vintage TV Trivia Question is posed at the start of the show and the answer is given in the concluding minutes of the podcast.

Thanks so much for joining me today !
- Joey

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Getting Outside Yourself

This serious episode is the second half of my series on Depression that started with the episode 'Depression: Emotional Eating'. Today I tell you about the serious danger that I was in due to depression after my parent's deaths. I discuss how my depression first surfaced, plans I had made to take my own life and treatment that I sought out to deal with my issues of grief.  But most importantly, I talk about revelations I had during this process that allowed me to view the world in a different way, that ultimately has brought me to the better place I am in these last 20 years or so.

This episode is my personal experiences and opinions. Do not view this as any kind of therapy or professional guidance. If you feel you are depressed or if you ever have suicidal thoughts, please seek out professional help. I have been able to overcome my grief and relationship issues only through professional therapy and prescribed medications. This show is only my personal opinions.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

INTERVIEW - The Latest in Cosmetic Work for Guys with Kris Venezia - Part One

In today's Sweeps Period episode, I think everyone will find this fascinating. Kris Venezia (from 'The Almost Transition' episode) returns to discuss all the current treatments available for guys who wish to look their best as they age.

Even if you have no interest in having Cosmetic Work done, I think you will find it very interesting.

We talk about Kris' history of Cosmetic Work, we also discuss Fillers, Laser Hair and Spot Removal, Cool Sculpting, how to tell if you might need some Hairline Restoration, and we even touch upon Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump.

This is Part One of a Two Part episode due to the length of the interview. Part Two of this show will air in three weeks. I will do two other episodes first, for those not interested in this subject.

- Joey

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

INTERVIEW - The Leather Community with Jay Menick

An Interview Show with Mr. Providence Eagle 2017, Jay Menick. Jay gives us insight into the Leather Community, it's clubs, contests and history.

If you have never been a participant in this side of the Gay Community, this episode will give you some surprises. Enjoy!

Tomorrow, Thursday August 9th, I will release a NEW Story Episode called 'Blond Shaggy-Haired Surfer Boy - My First Crush' in which I tell you all about my summers on a lake up North as a tribute to my father. And....I describe my crush's body in vivid detail from the memory of a voyeuristic prepubescent (that's me!), and I also tell you of some future plans that my Husband Paco and I have made.

Look for that episode to be on the air tomorrow at 6:00 pm EDT.

Thanks !!!!
- Joey

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Coming Out Later In Life

An exploration of the issues and obstacles that gay men face when coming out when older.

A Vintage TV Trivia question is asked at the start of the show and the answer is given at the conclusion of the podcast.

Please vote for me in the Podcast Awards! (I really want to win!)
Listen back 5 episodes to the one called 'Podcast Awards, Please Help Me' for the details of how to vote. VOTING CLOSES ON TUESDAY, JULY 31st. So please don't wait !

Thank you so very much in advance for your considerations.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Relationship Honesty

This is kind of an addendum to several of previous episodes: Monogamy vs. Open Relationships / Gay Dating / Cruising / Bromance with an Ex / etc.

I'd like to hear your opinion on this episode. You can reach me at AnOlderGayGuyShow@gmail.com regarding this, or any subject.

Please vote for me for the 2018 PEOPLE'S CHOICE PODCAST AWARDS!
Go to PodcastAwards.com, go to 'Listener Nominations Now Open', fill out the short form, them go to the Nominations page. I am nominated in 3 categories: The Adam Curry People's Choice Award, The LGBTQ Award and the Mature Award.
Please vote for me in all 3 categories. You will find An Older Gay Guy Show in the drop-down menus.
And..... THANK YOU !

Monday, June 25, 2018

Monogamy vs. Open Relationships - Part 1

This is the 1st of 2 parts on a discussion about whether Monogamy is right for your relationship, or if you both prefer an Open Relationship.
A listener has shared his story with me and allowed me to share it with you. I also reference an article called, 'Open Relationships or Monogamy: How Gay Couples Can Decide What's Right For Them'.

If you have a life story to tell that you feel will be beneficial to this conversation, please feel free to send it to me at: AnOlderGayGuyShow@gmail.com
I would only use your first initial if I read the email in a broadcast.

Part 2 will be in a few weeks. Next week, there will be a different topic for the episode.

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Can You Have A Bromance With An Ex ?

Can gay men have a friendship/bromance with an ex easier than a straight couple? Are you friends with any of your exes? I examine an article by author Jeremy Helligar as a prequel to the episode coming up titled 'Monogamy vs. Open Relationships'.

Don't miss the 'Golden Girls' Trivia Questions at the end of the podcast!

There is a new video on 'An Older Gay Guy Show' YouTube Channel that shows my first (and maybe last?) experience with Waxing My Nose Hair! The video also contains a workout segment and a talk about my frustrations of an aging body. (for Feet Lovers, the last segment has me barefoot with my feet closest to the camera!)

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Nothing In The Dark

WARNING: If you are SENSITIVE regarding the topic of DEATH, or have had a particular trauma with the death of a loved one, PLEASE SKIP THIS EPISODE. Humor regarding death is within this show. But if you are curious about the Universe and are not bothered by discussing death in detail, please enjoy this trippy, intense, thought-provoking episode about the unknown. This is THE MOST BIZARRE episode I have ever done. Strap yourself down, get a glass of your favorite imbibement and go on this ethereal journey with me. It will be one that will make you laugh and send chills down your spine. Come on board!