Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Most DANGEROUS Type of Body Fat

Well, it's the final push for the last votes to get An Older Gay Guy Show Podcast to be a Nominated Show for the 2024 People's Choice Podcast Awards. I'd love to have you show your appreciation for the podcast by taking 5 minutes to vote. The Nomination trophies I have are because you, my faithful listeners, vote me into the Finals. I thank you for your listenership and support all these years. Let's knock it out of the park for this year!

In today's episode, the last before we start the 2024 Sweeps Period of shows, we discuss a very important topic, something that affects many of us as we age. Please give it a listen. It may affect your long-term health due to body fat accumulating around your organs, especially your liver and heart.

Sweeps Period will start a week from today, on August 1st. There is a list of all the Sweeps shows on An Older Gay Guy Show Facebook Page. This is a public show and you don't have to belong to Facebook to view this page. I will put a link to it in the show notes below.

If you like An Older Gay Guy Show Podcast, please consider taking 5 minutes and vote for this show for the Podcast Awards. It is no cost to you, and you can support this show by voting for it. The instructions for voting are as follows:

1) Go to PodcastAwards dot com Podcast Awards

2) Click the big blue box 'Nominations'

3) Fill out the short registration (all your info is deleted the day after the awards)

4) Go to the Nomination Page and scroll down to the LGBTQ category.

5) Click on An Older Gay Guy Show

6) Also go to the first category 'People's Choice' and vote for An Older Gay Guy Show in this category as well.

6) Lastly, SAVE your votes at the bottom of the page! Saving your votes is SO IMPORTANT !

Thank you in advance! I very much appreciate it.

Closing music by James Taylor Jr. 'Boy in a Dress'

Boy In A Dress

James Taylor Jr. Music

An Older Gay Guy Show Facebook Page

Monday, July 15, 2024

STORYTIME - Thwapping My Nuts

In the 1970's, during my High School years, a couple of friends and I left a lame party and decided to drive to New York City, where none of us had been, on New Year's Day. This is that story and the unusual way we killed time on the road. 

If you like An Older Gay Guy Show Podcast, please consider taking 5 minutes and vote for this show for the Podcast Awards. It is no cost to you, and you can support this show by voting for it. The instructions for voting are as follows:

1) Go to PodcastAwards dot com Podcast Awards

2) Click the big blue box 'Nominations'

3) Fill out the short registration (all your info is deleted the day after the awards)

4) Go to the Nomination Page and scroll down to the LGBTQ category.

5) Click on An Older Gay Guy Show

6) Also go to the first category 'People's Choice' and vote for An Older Gay Guy Show in this category as well.

6) Lastly, SAVE your votes at the bottom of the page! Saving your votes is SO IMPORTANT !

Thank you in advance! I very much appreciate it.

Closing music by James Taylor Jr. 'Boy in a Dress'

Boy In A Dress

James Taylor Jr. Music

Monday, July 8, 2024

STORYTIME - Naked Jocks in the Steam Room

For the month of July, during the Nomination Period for the 2024 People's Choice Podcast Awards, all episodes will be true-life erotic STORYTIME episodes.

These episodes are erotic in content. If you do not like hearing such stories, please do not listen to this episode.

This show is one of the few that I was able to salvage from the Joey After Dark Podcast, and tells the tale of an encounter I had about 5 years ago with a number of the hottest jocks at my gym. This story takes place in the gym steam room. I think you will enjoy it. 

If you like An Older Gay Guy Show Podcast, please consider taking 5 minutes and vote for this show for the Podcast Awards. It is no cost to you, and you can support this show by voting for it. The instructions for voting are as follows:

1) Go to PodcastAwards dot com Podcast Awards

2) Click the big blue box 'Nominations'

3) Fill out the short registration (all your info is deleted the day after the awards)

4) Go to the Nomination Page and scroll down to the LGBTQ category.

5) Click on An Older Gay Guy Show

6) Also go to the first category 'People's Choice' and vote for An Older Gay Guy Show in this category as well.

6) Lastly, SAVE your votes at the bottom of the page! Saving your votes is SO IMPORTANT !

Thank you in advance! I very much appreciate it.

Closing music by James Taylor Jr. 'Boy in a Dress'

Boy In A Dress

James Taylor Jr. Music

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Sweeps Period 2024

It is that wonderful time of year when I get ready to roll out important and very entertaining episodes for what I refer to as my Annual Sweeps Period. I have some great shows planned for this year's celebration and all I ask is for you to take five minutes and go and vote for An Older Gay Guy Show podcast for the 2024 People's Choice Podcast Awards.

During the month of July, the nomination phase goes on. This is the time that each year, you wonderful listeners and fans of the show can give a thank you back for the free content I offer to you each year. The nomination process is as follows:

1) Go to

2) Click the big blue box 'Nominations'

3) Fill out the short registration (all your info is deleted the day after the awards)

4) Go to the Nomination Page and scroll down to the LGBTQ category.

5) Click on An Older Gay Guy Show

6) Lastly, SAVE your votes at the bottom of the page!

Thank you in advance! I very much appreciate it.

Boy In A Dress

James Taylor Jr. Music

Monday, June 24, 2024

You Personal Trainer 4 - Summer Celebrations

Summer is a wonderful season. Family gatherings, vacations, graduation parties, 4th of many!  I know you have worked hard this past year in losing weight and you have looked forward (maybe with a bit of hesitation) to the sunny, warm weather that will allow you to finally take off your shirt.

But sometimes navigating these parties, can be difficult. You desire to be proud of what you have accomplished and yet there is a growing desire to partake of the delightful food.

I have a few suggestions. Thank you for coming by my show today!


Friday, June 14, 2024

INTERVIEW - Ryan Hunter - Dark Shadows - Part 3 - The 1991 Revival Series

Today we conclude our special 3-part series of all things Dark Shadows!  In this episode we discuss the much-improved, with higher production values, and a new younger cast; reboot of Dark Shadows with the 1991 Revival Series. This series only lasted one season, but during its run, it was able to condense the Barnabas origin story, including Victoria Winter's trip to 1795, into 12 cohesive and beautifully told episodes. 

If you want to start getting to know Dark Shadows, start with this 12 episode reboot. Then, if you like the story, then visit the Original Series, as discussed in the last two episodes of this podcast series. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

INTERVIEW - Ryan Hunter - Dark Shadows - Part 2 - The Original Series

Today I present Part 2 of our fun 3-part nostalgic discussion of Dark Shadows. In this episode we conclude our memories of the Original 1966-1971 series with a laugh-filled show that we both enjoyed doing so much! I truly hope you enjoy this fun ride.

Next Friday, in Part 3, we will talk about the amazing 1991 Revival Series of Dark Shadows.

The Radical Retro Rewind Podcast

The Radical Retro Rewind YouTube Channel

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

STORYTIME - Naked Hiking - Part 2

Today we return to conclude the STORYTIME that I started a couple of weeks ago. After answering some questions that a listener had posed to me, we continue the Naked Hiking story right where we left off: the two Donovan brothers and I were merrily hiking through the woods of Vermont bareassed, heading for a private swimming hole with a waterfall that bordered the Solomon farm. 

I hope you enjoy the conclusion of this STORYTIME.


Friday, May 24, 2024

INTERVIEW - Ryan Hunter - Dark Shadows - Part 1 - The Original Series

I'm so excited to bring you this incredibly fun and funny 3-part series with Radical Ryan Hunter of the Radical Retro Rewind Podcast and YouTube channel.  In this series, we will cover all things Dark Shadows, from The Original Series to the 1991 re-boot and many, many more Dark Shadows memories will be discussed. I have waited literally years to be able to have this kind of discussion about my all-time favorite childhood show. Thank you for joining us!

In Part 1, we have an overview of the original series, and then Ryan and I get into our favorite 'likes' and 'dislikes' from that 5 year show. 

Parts 2 & 3 will be coming out on June 9th and June 16th, respectively.

Radical Retro Rewind Podcast latest episode: Radical Retro Rewind Podcast (also found on most podcast applications)

Radical Retro Rewind YouTube videos: Radical Retro Rewind YouTube

Monday, May 20, 2024

STORYTIME - Naked Hiking - Part 1

This is a two-part STORYTIME about an adventurous Summer day that I spent with the Donovan brothers. These were two straight college jocks that had bright red hair and freckles. The brothers were in a previous episode I did called 'Don't Let Your Balls Touch Mine', and that episode is in my back catalogue. I hope you enjoy this two-part STORYTIME.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

STORYTIME - Cruising for Men Around Provincetown

 I owe you a story. This is one that I had been saving for a rainy day, and here it is raining in Boston.

This STORYTIME takes place in 1993, when I was 35 years old. It remains one of my favorite experiences in Provincetown, the gay resort town on the very tip of Cape Cod here in Massachusetts.

I was convinced to do something dangerous that I would never do today. However, this was during my 'party phase' (a phase that lasted a good three decades!), and I threw caution to the wind (along with ALL MY CLOTHES), and had an unforgettable Summer night. 

I hope you enjoy this wonderful memory of days gone by.

Monday, April 1, 2024

Will We Know When To Stop ??

This episode is a serious topic that I think is very timely.  I specifically do not mention what the topic is (I call it a Mystery Topic) because I want the maximum number of guys that I can draw in to hear this important subject. I would appreciate you taking the time to hear this episode. Thank you! ~Joey

Monday, March 11, 2024

Are Firmer Erections Possible As We Age?

In this episode we will talk about a subject that is often not discussed, but rather many older men suffer with in silence.

The episode begins with 3 emails in our 'Listener Mail' segment. The last email you do not want to miss !

Erectile Disfunction as it relates to older guys being able to get somewhat hard, but maybe not as hard as in our youth, and possibly not hard enough for sexual performance, is discussed.

I speak about a Japanese study of men that cannot get fully erect, we review ED oral medications, and I then give my own experiences and what I think has benefitted me the most. We end with some additional facts that may help you make a decision about which method might be right for you. 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Reddit Stories - Gang Showers 1

In celebration of this show's 9th season kicking off, I bring you a new series that I will do periodically throughout the year. Reddit Stories, will be actual messages posted on a public forum about various subjects of interest. In this first episode, I offer 4 stories from Reddit readers, about gang showers; in school, at work, and in gym facilities. 

In future Reddit Stories episodes, I will comment on each one. I did not in this due to difficulty in talking.

Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Suicide - A Cautionary Tale

In this serious episode I tell you two stories from my past that are extremely personal. I would not normally be this open, but I know of people who will be alone these holidays and I worry. Thankfully the thoughts I had during this time are far behind me, but I've never forgotten the things I learned during these very difficult days. I hope this helps someone.

Monday, September 4, 2023

STORYTIME - Campfire Stories - 'After Football'

This is the final episode of my 2023 Sweeps Period and it is a STORYTIME that served as a working model for my book 'Northridge High Football Camp'. I wrote this story in 1992 and I copyrighted it in 1994. If you are a fan of the Jockstrap Stories podcast, you may recognize many of the characteristics of the main protagonist in this story that ended up being part of the character development of Vinnie Manta, the main protagonist in 'Northridge High Football Camp'. I also used some of the description when I created the character of Tony Marino. This story was part of a planned series called Campfire Stories. I will probably continue with that series in the future.

Don't miss the FINAL LIVE Pride48 Streaming Weekend. This is it! No more!

The weekend runs Friday evening, September 15th thru Sunday night, September 17th. An Older Gay Guy Show will be on Saturday the 16th 2:00 pm-3:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time.

Erotic Stories, a Vintage TV Trivia Contest and more!  Please join us !!

Link to Pride48:   Pride48

Thursday, August 24, 2023


As we move towards the conclusion of Sweeps Period 2023, I offer up a double-STORYTIME episode. The title of this show is 'Nutball' and it tells two tales of youthful pastimes that often included drinking and toking. I describe two different ways that I played a torturous game for fun. 

The first story is titled 'Can You Sink the Ball or Sink My Balls?'

The second tale is titled 'Thwapping My Nuts'

I hope you enjoy these STORYTIMES.

Monday, August 14, 2023


2023 Sweeps continues with a re-edited episode about Jock Feet. I speak about my attraction to certain feet and also what isn't attractive and is too severe for my taste. 

A quite funny STORYTIME about an experience I had in Montreal about 20 years ago starts at 34:45. If you want to skip right to the story, feel free, but I really think the entire episode should be heard in order to fully understand how and where all of this feet stuff began.

I hope you enjoy this episode !  And, thanks for listening. ~Joey

Sunday, August 6, 2023

STORYTIME - Bubble Butts at the Swimming Hole

As we continue with Sweeps Period 2023, this STORYTIME episode is a re-edited show from a few years ago, about a hike that my dog and I went on to a local swimming hole in Western Massachusetts. We were quite surprised at what we found. 

This show has erotic content, so please be forewarned. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023

STORYTIME - Guys Flexing - 1

In today’s episode, I bring back a re-edited show from the early years of An Older Gay Guy Show and I talk about how bodybuilders prepare for contests and my role as their prep guide. Along the way I will discuss the intense body shaving aspect of their contest preparation and the rigors of learning to flex properly. 

Towards the end of this episode I tell you a STORYTIME about two college-age guys that were flexing in the locker room of my gym when they thought no one else was around. 

I hope you enjoy this episode, which will be followed up with a Guys Flexing Part 2 as the final episode of this year’s Sweeps Period. In Part 2 of this series I will tell two more STORYTIMES about unusual things that happened when guys that wanted to do body prep had their body shaving end up going in an unexpected way. This is a funny and erotic episode that I will conclude the 2023 Sweeps Period with, and that will be on Monday, September 11th.


If you enjoy 'An Older Gay Guy Show' podcast and would like to show your support, I ask you to take five minutes to vote for me in the 2023 People's Choice Podcast Awards. There is no cost to you and it would mean very much to me. Below are the instructions for voting.


1-  Click the link below or go to

2- Select the Blue Box that says 'Nominations Voting Now Open. Click here to vote'.

3- Fill out the 'Sign Up to Nominate'. Fill out this short form that is used just to verify that you are a real person with your own email. All info you provide is deleted once the awards are concluded for this year. It also allows you to put your name in the pool of potential judges. You can accept or decline judging if you are selected. It is rare to be selected as a judge.

4- Once you sign up, it will take you to 'Make Your Nominations' page. 

5- Scroll down to the 'LGBTQ' category (it has the name Feast of Fools for the category) and use the drop down menu to select An Older Gay Guy Show.

6- VERY IMPORTANT - SAVE YOUR NOMINATION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE !! (The LGBTQ category will disappear once you save your vote)

And that's it. Thank you for showing your gratitude as a fan by voting for the show !

Click to Vote in the Podcast Awards

Sunday, July 23, 2023

STORYTIME - Boner Pills

Sweeps Period 2023 continues with an informative, yet humorous look at the various pills used for Erectile Dysfunction. In addition to useful information, I tell a couple of stories about the first time I tried the pills. I have taken three kinds and each made a difference for me in what was achieved. I hope you enjoy the two STORYTIMES contained within.

If you enjoy 'An Older Gay Guy Show' podcast and would like to show your support, I ask you to take five minutes to vote for me in the 2023 People's Choice Podcast Awards. There is no cost to you and it would mean very much to me. Below are the instructions for voting.

1-  Click the link below or go to

2- Select the Blue Box that says 'Nominations Voting Now Open. Click here to vote'.

3- Fill out the 'Sign Up to Nominate'. Fill out this short form that is used just to verify that you are a real person with your own email. All info you provide is deleted once the awards are concluded for this year. It also allows you to put your name in the pool of potential judges. You can accept or decline judging if you are selected. It is rare to be selected as a judge.

4- Once you sign up, it will take you to 'Make Your Nominations' page. 

5- Scroll down to the 'LGBTQ' category (it has the name Feast of Fools for the category) and use the drop down menu to select An Older Gay Guy Show.

6- VERY IMPORTANT - SAVE YOUR NOMINATION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE !! (The LGBTQ category will disappear once you save your vote)

And that's it. Thank you for showing your gratitude as a fan by voting for the show !

Click for Podcast Awards

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

STORYTIME - Sweaty Movers

A favorite story from my younger days. This is one of those guy things that I don't think you would see today. But back in the late 70's, it really was a different world.  Sweeps Period 2023 continues with this STORYTIME.

If you enjoy 'An Older Gay Guy Show' podcast and would like to show your support, I ask you to take five minutes to vote for me in the 2023 People's Choice Podcast Awards. There is no cost to you and it would mean very much to me. Below are the instructions for voting.

1-  Click the link below or go to

2- Select the Blue Box that says 'Nominations Voting Now Open. Click here to vote'.

3- Fill out the 'Sign Up to Nominate'. Fill out this short form that is used just to verify that you are a real person with your own email. All info you provide is deleted once the awards are concluded for this year. It also allows you to put your name in the pool of potential judges. You can accept or decline judging if you are selected. It is rare to be selected as a judge.

4- Once you sign up, it will take you to 'Make Your Nominations' page. 

5- Scroll down to the 'LGBTQ' category (it has the name Feast of Fools for the category) and use the drop down menu to select An Older Gay Guy Show.

6- VERY IMPORTANT - SAVE YOUR NOMINATION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE !! (The LGBTQ category will disappear once you save your vote)

And that's it. Thank you for showing your gratitude as a fan by voting for the show !

Click for Podcast Awards

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

STORYTIME - Tales of the Underwear Thief

Sweeps Period continues with a two-story STORYTIME episode. This is a re-edited/recorded episode from many years ago. I hope you find these stories to be tantalizing and enjoyable. They were a memorable part of my younger life. 

If you enjoy 'An Older Gay Guy Show' podcast and would like to show your support, I ask you to take five minutes to vote for me in the 2023 People's Choice Podcast Awards. There is no cost to you and it would mean very much to me. Below are the instructions for voting.

1-  Click the link below or go to

2- Select the Blue Box that says 'Nominations Voting Now Open. Click here to vote'.

3- Fill out the 'Sign Up to Nominate'. Fill out this short form that is used just to verify that you are a real person with your own email. All info you provide is deleted once the awards are concluded for this year. It also allows you to put your name in the pool of potential judges. You can accept or decline judging if you are selected. It is rare to be selected as a judge.

4- Once you sign up, it will take you to 'Make Your Nominations' page. 

5- Scroll down to the 'LGBTQ' category (it has the name Feast of Fools for the category) and use the drop down menu to select An Older Gay Guy Show.

6- VERY IMPORTANT - SAVE YOUR NOMINATION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE !! (The LGBTQ category will disappear once you save your vote)

And that's it. Thank you for showing your gratitude as a fan by voting for the show !

Saturday, July 1, 2023

STORYTIME - The College Jock

Welcome to Sweeps Period 2023 !  In this first episode, I give you one of my favorite stories that took place when I was 16 years old. I found the memories of what happened in this story to be something that gave me fantasies for many years. Two college jocks lived in an apartment directly across from my boyfriend's apartment, and one particular night I wanted to entertain myself with a devious plot that only a horny 16 year-old could come up with. 

If you enjoy 'An Older Gay Guy Show' podcast and would like to show your support, I ask you to take five minutes to vote for me in the 2023 People's Choice Podcast Awards. There is no cost to you and it would mean very much to me. Below are the instructions for voting.

1-  Click the link below or go to

2- Select the Blue Box that says 'Nominations Voting Now Open. Click here to vote'.

3- Fill out the 'Sign Up to Nominate'. Fill out this short form that is used just to verify that you are a real person with your own email. All info you provide is deleted once the awards are concluded for this year. It also allows you to put your name in the pool of potential judges. You can accept or decline judging if you are selected. It is rare to be selected as a judge.

4- Once you sign up, it will take you to 'Make Your Nominations' page. 

5- Scroll down to the 'LGBTQ' category (it has the name Feast of Fools for the category) and use the drop down menu to select An Older Gay Guy Show.

6- VERY IMPORTANT - SAVE YOUR NOMINATION AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE !! (The LGBTQ category will disappear once you save your vote)

And that's it. Thank you for showing your gratitude as a fan by voting for the show !

Below is the link.

Click this link:  Podcast Awards Voting  or go to

Saturday, June 17, 2023

STORYTIME - Crazy Sh*t at The Boston Conservatory of Music

Welcome! Today I have a STORYTIME episode with 3 true-life short stories about my time at The Boston Conservatory of Music.  These take place in the 1970's, and as you shall see, it was a VERY different time in the world. I think you will find these tales funny and a bit shocking! 

The 3 stories are titled:

1.   The Asshole Conductor

2.   The Dance Belt Adjustment

3.   The Orgy Ring-Leader

There is also a 4th STORYTIME about my second year at The Conservatory when I was a Musical Theater major. You will find this story almost unbelievable, and what happened would not only never be allowed today, but it would result in numerous lawsuits, and probably an indictment to the teacher.

The link to An Older Gay Guy Show on YouTube can be found below.

Link:  The Drama Teacher's Underwear

Monday, May 8, 2023

FEAR, as we age

I am about to turn 65 years of age in just a few days. A Senior Citizen! Who would have thought? In the last 5-10 years I have found myself getting increasing fear about many things in every day life.

Is Social Media to blame? Or are my fears possibly irrational and don't actually pose a threat to me? See if you possibly have some of the same fears (I'll bet you have different ones). 

The next episode, coming out next week, will be 'Sleeping Bareassed - Part Two'.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

STORYTIME - Sleeping Bareassed - Part One

This episode is the first in a two-part series about sleeping naked.  In this show I tell you two STORYTIMES about how I came to be someone that sleeps bareassed most of the time. At the conclusion, I go over 5 reasons why sleeping naked can be a healthier option.

I hope you enjoy the shows!  ~Joey

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Metabolic Syndrome/ Pre-Diabetes

In this episode, I bring some nutrition and health info to you that is very important for those of us over the age of 40. But, those of you under 40, listen up also, as this info can help you prepare for aging yourself.

This show contains a lot of information: A discussion about Metabolic Syndrome (Pre-Diabetes), 5 signs that indicate you might be moving toward this condition, how to evaluate your own body fat and an introduction to the Mediterranean Diet. 

I hope you enjoy the show. 

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Manscaping, Dick Pumps & Sounding

In this episode, which is the 2nd of 2 'sex' episodes, I discuss 3 sexual topics and I include 2 STORYTIMES that I think you will find funny and a bit shocking.

I mention in this show that I am planning a full separate episode about Masturbation for release on Memorial Day Weekend. Between now and then, I'd love some listener stories about Masturbation. They might be about interesting masturbation techniques that you have discovered, or funny stories or even masturbation fails, such as being interrupted, or spied upon or other disasters.

I will not use your name or location. You can submit as many stories as you would like. Please send them to The deadline is May 13th.

I hope you enjoy today's episode!

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Dick and Balls Maintenance

This is the first of two 'sex' episodes where we will talk about some facts regarding the care and health of your penis and testicles. Next week will be 'Manscaping, Masturbation, Dick Pumps and Sounding, with related content.

I hope you enjoy this episode !  ~Joey

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Gay Dating - Old School vs. Now

 I am about to turn 65. Gone are the early days of my gay life and the methods that I used to find and meet potential dates or hook-ups. Almost a quarter of the way through the 21st century, new methods and dating philosophies have emerged. Guys my age are sometimes asking themselves if they should follow or still remain with past methods. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

STORYTIME - Don't P*ss On My Hollywood Star of Fame

The story of my attempt to become a star in Hollywood. (spoiler alert: I'm NOT a star! LOL) I hope you find this story amusing and interesting. At the conclusion of the show, I offer you a surprise. I hope you enjoy this episode.

Sunday, December 4, 2022

STORYTIME - Don't Let Your Balls Touch Mine

Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you are all doing well. In today's episode, I bring you a newly re-edited story from my old shows.  This is a story about a very fun and unusual New Year's Eve that I had when I was 29 years old. It is a tale of five of us guys that went up to a Winter chalet for partying and sports (mostly partying).  I used one small part of this true-life story in my gay erotic sports novel 'Northridge High Football Camp' that I did as an audiobook on the Jockstrap Stories podcast.

Please note: I will be alone at home this Christmas and I am trying to set up something as an online social on Christmas Day itself, for anyone who might be alone and wanting some company. I will let you know more details as they firm up. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

I See Dead People - Part 4 - Q&A and STORYTIME

In this conclusion to my 'I See Dead People' series, I answer questions that have been submitted to me from listeners.  Additionally, I tell a STORYTIME story about the most difficult, gross, and heart-breaking thing I ever had to do in the funeral business. I give a warning prior to starting this story, as it is not for the faint-of-heart. 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Gay Health 7 - Body Image

A discussion about the history of Body Image.  From the 1970's through today, Body Image has been something that male and female, gay and straight have often dealt with through bombardment from TV, Films, Magazines, Porn and other media. I also address my own personal struggles with this.


Thursday, October 27, 2022

GYM STORIES 1 - Was I Being Hit on in the Sauna by an Adonis ??

Today I had the most interesting experience in the gym's sauna. I ask you to give me your opinion if I was in fact being hit on by this ADONIS. It's quite an erotic story, and if you like my gay erotic stories, you will love this.

Please send me your opinion answer to the question I ask towards the end of the episode. Send to:

Saturday, October 15, 2022

STORYTIME - Midnight Skinny-Dipping

This episode is def rated R.  I tell a story about my time on Cape Cod as a Funeral Director and Embalmer when I was hanging out with the young 'townies'. We had a special pond.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Gym Showers

This is a re-edited episode of my most popular show with new content added.  I hope you enjoy this conversation about Gym Showers and how they have changed over the years, as guys grew more modest.  

Don't miss the STORYTIME in the middle of this episode. It is one of my favorite stories and telling it brought back so many wonderful memories. Be sure to hear it !

The show concludes with my updated thoughts about locker rooms and showers.

Sunday, September 25, 2022

INTERVIEW - Producer & Director of - Davey Wavey - Gay Porn - Part 2

I am pleased to present the conclusion of the 2-part Interview with Davey Wavey. In this episode we continue to talk about our thoughts on Gay Porn, and Davey tells us all about his porn company, Preview with Older Guys Home Touring Page Dick Special

Sunday, September 18, 2022

INTERVIEW - YouTube Star Davey Wavey - Gay Porn - Part 1

A great Interview with YouTube Star and Gay Porn Producer & Director, Davey Wavey. This is a return visit with us from Davey, and in this Interview he and I discuss many topics related to Gay Porn production. In this extensive Two-Part Interview, we talk about our personal likes and dislikes in Gay Porn. He also gives us details about his very hot Gay Porn site, I know you will enjoy this fascinating discussion with Davey Wavey Preview with Older Guys Home Touring Page

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Changes In Sleep Habits As We Age

2022 Sweeps Period continues with an episode about sleep...or lack thereof. Most Americans do not get enough sleep and it is affecting health, both physical and mental. In reference to a magazine article I read a few years ago, I used the suggestions I mention in this episode as a way to successfully change my sleep habits by 80%. I hope you enjoy the information in this show. Thank you for joining me. 

The 2022 Sweeps Period has several episodes to go, so it will run into early October.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Your Personal Trainer - Part 3 - Emotional Eating

In this show, I want to continue the 'Your Personal Trainer' series with an episode about overeating and specifically, when we eat because of emotions; whether that is depression, celebration, or even boredom.

Please note: If you feel you overeat regularly, it will eventually begin to affect your overall health. So please, consult a professional that deals with overeating and binging. 

Coming up next in the 'Your Personal Trainer' series will be 'Sauna for Longevity'. Look for that episode in late October.

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Gay-to-Gay Bullying

A theme I have done before, but it deserves more attention. With many believing there exists a fracture in the Gay Community due to lack of physical socializing because so many bars and clubs have closed, it becomes more important that we watch out for each other. That includes the prevailing gay-to-gay bullying that has only increased with the advent of the internet. Let's pause for a few minutes to understand how this type of behavior is more prominent when we are with our friends and within our own  cliques. Can we stop behaviors that prey on weaker people within the community when we might think we are being funny and clever?

Monday, August 15, 2022

STORYTIME - Bewitched - The Salem Saga

This is from the very first episode of An Older Gay Guy Show. I tell the story of my solo trip as an 11-year old to Salem, Massachusetts to visit what I had seen on Bewitched.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

My Favorite Episode - STORYTIME - 'The Personification of Chin-Chin'

Starting out my 2022 Sweeps Period, this is a re-edited episode that is my absolute favorite from An Older Gay Guy Show. This took place in the early 1980's while I was working as a Funeral Director & Embalmer on Cape Cod. It is the most memorable and unique experience that I ever had in the Funeral industry. It is a story that I shall never forget, and I hope you get a laugh and that it touches your heart, as it did mine. 

Thank you to all my wonderful listeners for once again making me a Finalist in this year's People Choice Podcast Awards ! Hugs to all of you. ~Joey

Monday, July 4, 2022

STORYTIME - The Itchy Drive-In

 This is a STORYTIME episode about an experience that I had in High School. I hope you find this story funny, as it is yet another example of the fact I don't always make wise decisions. 

Thank you to all that sent me messages about my Covid-19 and the loss of my beautiful cat, Pooh. I will respond to all. Please be patient.

If you enjoy An Older Gay Guy Show, please vote for the show in the Podcast Awards. 

Please go to
Click on the Blue Box that says 'Nominations Voting Now Open'
Do the TEMPORARY Email Verification (they erase it)
That will take you to the 'Make Your Nominations' page

I am in 2 categories. Use the Drop-down menu:
The Adam Curry People's Choice Awards Category
Feast of Fools/Fun LGBTQ Category
Please vote for An Older Gay Guy Show in both categories.
Click the SAVE NOMINATIONS box at the BOTTOM of the page.

And most importantly, THANK YOU !

Thursday, May 19, 2022

INTERVIEW - Joshua Senter - 'Still The Night Call'

Today I have an hour-long INTERVIEW episode for your listening pleasure. 

Joshua Senter is a Golden Globe Winner and Emmy Award-nominated writer. Josh was raised in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri where he was homeschooled on a cattle farm. He moved to LA in 1997 to pursue filmmaking and he began writing for the hit Showtime series The L Word.  Soon after, he joined the international phenomenon, Desperate Housewives. In addition to many more high-profile screen credits he is also an adjunct professor of TV Writing for the School of Cinematic Arts at USC. His sophomore novel Still The Night Call was released in 2022 and was named Kirkus Reviews “Best Indie Book.”

Josh's Instagram

Joshua Senter Website

'Still the Night Call' on Amazon/Kindle

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

INTERVIEW - Susan Bratton - Intimacy Expert - Part 3 - Conclusion

 Today I have Part 3, which is the conclusion of the series, with Susan Bratton, the intimacy expert. And boy, today’s show is chocked full of so many helpful suggestions that we as gay men, can really utilize.

We take a deep dive into Erectile Dysfunction and Dick Pumps and Susan gives her opinions on such useful topics as Acoustic Wave Therapy, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, the Gains Wave, the Phoenix, and much more. And of course she does it with her charismatic, fun filled energy. 

Susan Bratton on Instagram

Better Lover

Relationship Magic

The Sexual Soulmate Pact

The Whopper Dick Pump

Pumping Guide

Monday, April 25, 2022

INTERVIEW - Susan Bratton - Intimacy Expert - Part 2

This episode is Part 2 of the 3-Part Series with Susan Bratton, the Intimacy Expert. In this episode we take a deep dive into open relationships and other intimacy issues. 

Relationship Magic

The Sexual Soulmate Pact

Better Lover

Susan Bratton on Instagram

Monday, April 18, 2022

INTERVIEW - Susan Bratton - Intimacy Expert - Part 1

I have quite the treat for you today. I bring you an interview with my first female guest ever, and guys, she is such a joy to have on. She is knowledgeable about so many of the issues I have addressed on this show over the years, but not only does she know her stuff, she is also funny, entertaining and sexy as all hell. I adore her. 

Today is part 1 of a 3-part series with the amazing Susan Bratton, an Intimacy Expert. During this series we will talk about many types of relationships, the male sexual experience, penis enlargement and health, tips on having a successful dating life and so much more. 

Whether you enter Susan’s world through a sexual health problem you need to solve, intimacy skills you want to learn, or bedroom communication techniques to ignite your connection and pleasure, she offers a world of good to apply to your love life.

Relationship Magic

The Sexual Soulmate Pact

Better Lover

Susan Bratton on Instagram


Monday, April 11, 2022

INTERVIEW - David Pevsner - Damn Shame - Part 3

In this concluding episode of the 3-part series, actor, author and musical creator David Pevsner discusses his time as a Mature Escort and tells us about his OnlyFans and how he uses it as an expression of his erotic images. 

David Pevsner Website

Damn Shame on Amazon and Kindle

David Pevsner on OnlyFans

David Pevsner on Twitter

David Pevsner on Twitter (erotic)

David Pevsner on Instagram

Thursday, March 31, 2022

INTERVIEW - David Pevsner - Damn Shame - Part 2

Part 2 of the 3-part series with Actor, Musical Creator, Composer and Author,  David Pevsner. 

Damn Shame on Amazon & Kindle

David Pevsner Website

Monday, March 21, 2022

INTERVIEW - David Pevsner - Damn Shame - Part 1

Today we start a new 3-part series with actor/author David Pevsner. Over the course of these 3 shows, David discusses his book 'Damn Shame', and talks in depth and quite honestly, about his amazing life. If you are in our age range (60's) this first episode will be a re-visit to your childhood. As the series goes along, David gets very candid about his struggles and successes in theater and his unique ways of making money during tough times. This is a fascinating series of episodes. 

'Damn Shame' on Amazon & Kindle

David Pevsner Website

Friday, March 18, 2022


 The true story of the oddest, most bizarre person I have ever known in my life. 

Friday, February 11, 2022

My Own Lord of the Flies

 In this episode I tell you a STORYTIME about an adventure that I had with some High School friends that ended up boosting my self-esteem and confidence. Sometimes a bit scary, sometimes a bit funny, this is one of my favorite memories from my High School years. I hope you enjoy it.

Check-out the Sex Machines as mentioned in the commerical:

AdamMale with Sex Machine page   Be sure to use the discount coupon code of AOGGS for a 50% savings on almost any one item, and that includes FREE U.S. Shipping !!

Thursday, January 27, 2022

INTERVIEW - Sgt. Ron - Gay Military Life - Part 8 - Conclusion

 This episode concludes the Gay Military Life series by Sgt. Ron.  I want to thank Ron so very much for sharing his fascinating life with us, both in this series, as well as his Gay Prison Guard stories.  

If you have not had a chance to hear the Gay Prison Guard series, I invite you to listen to Ron's tales of the many years he worked in a penitentiary as a Prison Officer.  The series is available in my back catalogue. 

'D. Pumps' on Joey After Dark as mentioned in the commerical.

Monday, November 29, 2021

INTERVIEW - Sgt. Ron - Gay Military Life - Part 7

Sgt. Ron's tales about his time in the military and living as a closeted gay man continue, picking up where Part 6 left off. If you have not had a chance the hear Part 6, please do so first, as this episode picks up from mid-story.

The Gay Military Series concludes with Part 8 coming in just a couple of weeks.


Wednesday, September 29, 2021

INTERVIEW - Artie O'Daly - Bad Boy series - Part 2

In the conclusion of this two-part series, Artie talks about some of his tv show appearances on General Hospital, Modern Family, Pushing Daisies and more, and we continue our discussion about his Bad Boy YouTube series. This is a fun and funny episode and I know you will enjoy it.

Podcast Awards: The 2021 People's Choice Podcast Awards will be telecast on Thursday, September 30th, International Podcast Day. The show will be on YouTube at 9:00 pm East Coast time and 6:00 pm West Coast time. An Older Gay Guy Show is nominated in the LGBTQ category. If you are available, please give it a watch. We need as many viewers as possible. The LGBTQ category will probably be 20-30 minutes into the show.  Wish me luck ! My huge gratitude to all who voted for me this year. 

Link to Podcast Awards:

Artie O'Daly and Co. (Bad Boy series)

Saturday, September 18, 2021

INTERVIEW - Anthony Hand - Maxxie La Wow - Drag Super-Shero

Continuing Sweeps Period, today I have a fun-filled episode about a subculture of the gay community that I have not discussed on the show before: Drag performers. And in this special episode my guest takes the discussion to new heights, by introducing his creation; Maxxie La Wow, the World's first Drag Super-Shero.

This is a funny and educational episode about a topic that I freely admit to know nothing about. 

The following are the links to the IndieGoGo Fundraising Page, the Adventure Reel that will give you a first look at Maxxie La Wow and also Anthony's social media. 

The Indiegogo link:

The Adventure Reel:

Social Media:


Saturday, September 11, 2021

Gay Health 6 - Major Health Issues In The LGBTQ+ Community

A brief overview of the primary diseases that we face as the LGBTQ+ community. Citing 3 highly regarded organizations, some basic warnings and suggestions are mentioned in this shorter episode.

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

STORYTIME - I See Dead People - Part 3

In this full episode, I am continuing the I See Dead People series. In today's show, I tell 4 bizarre and humorous stories about my time as a Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer:

The Potomac River Crash

The Prisoner

The Blizzard

The Mausoleum 

In addition, I answer some common questions about the Funeral Business and I put to rest a couple of long-believed Old Wives Tales. 

I hope you enjoy these stories. A Part 4 will conclude this series with the most horror I encountered as a Funeral Worker, coming in November. 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

INTERVIEW - Sgt. Ron - Gay Military Life - Part 6

Sweeps continues with another episode with Sgt. Ron, who tells us some tales from his time at Eglin Air Force Base. This is Part 6 of the series and will continue with Part 7 coming in September. Enjoy his storytelling. 

Link to 'Mystery Box of Sex Toys' from the Joey After Dark YouTube channel.


Saturday, August 21, 2021

Your Personal Trainer - Part 2

In Part 2 of the ongoing 'Your Personal Trainer' series, I review your 'homework' from Part 1 and then we talk intensely about one food we need to eliminate, one food group we need to expand, and the beginning of exercise via a YouTube channel that is excellent (with a HOT AF host).

The following link is to BarbarianBody's 5-minute home abdominal workout: (it may be clickable or you may have to copy and paste)

Saturday, August 14, 2021

INTERVIEW - Artie O'Daly - Bad Boy series - Part 1

Sweeps Period has begun! In this first episode, I have an awesome interview with a very busy Hollywood actor/writer/producer/director/editor. His name is Artie O'Daly and there is a good chance he has guest appeared on a tv show that you have seen. In this first of a two-part interview, Artie and I talk about his connection to Gilmore Girls (one of my all-time favorite shows) and he tells stories of his appearance on that show and how it came about that one of the Gilmore Girls stars appeared on Artie's hit TV series 'Bad Boy' (currently on YouTube). He is a fascinating guy and I know you will enjoy this two-part interview.

Next up in Sweeps Period will be the second part of my 'Your Personal Trainer' series. We will talk more about food and also some basic exercises to get started with at home. Following that, will be another series of episodes with Sgt. Ron where he tells us more stories of his days as a gay man in the military.

Sweeps Period is going to have some great shows. Subscribe so you don't miss an episode when it comes out. Thanks guys !  ~Joey

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Embracing Change

After a short-hiatus, I return with an episode about making some much needed changes.

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Life-Enhancing Habits - Conclusion

This episode is the final installment of my 'Life-Enhancing Habits' series. This episode covers the remaining 7 suggestions to help you live a longer and more vibrant life. 

Don't miss my BIG announcement coming in a short message episode on Tuesday, June 1st !

Saturday, April 24, 2021

How Do We Hold The Senior Gay Community Together ?

As we slowly start putting society back together as we all get vaccinated for Covid-19, the Senior Gay Community is something we all need to think about and work at sustaining.  Many older gay men have been isolated during these past 13 months and are now rightfully feeling hesitant about re-joining social situations where crowds might soon be gathering. How will our older LGBTQ brothers and sisters still get together for much needed friendships and reunions, and what will be the lasting community be like?

Friday, April 16, 2021

Things To Do And Say To Make Yourself Old

We all are getting older, and maybe we are becoming our parents in our thoughts and habits. Are we as Gay Seniors just tired of the world of younger people? Are we starting to say the very things our parents would say that we swore we would never become? Are we starting to border on being that grouchy, bitter old man?

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Your Personal Trainer - Part 1

Today I am starting a new series that I'm calling Your Personal Trainer.  I often hear from guys that have basic workout and nutrition questions. I know hiring a Personal Trainer can be an expensive proposition, especially with the fees that will probably have to be charged by Trainers to compensate for all the lost work and income due to the Covid-19 Pandemic. 

So, with that in mind, I thought running this series can be beneficial to those that wish they could have a Personal Trainer to give them basic information and to do what Trainers do best; Motivate and Encourage you, as you go along. Obviously without having the option to work with you in person, it will limit how some of this training will have to be. But, I have faith that the information and me kicking your ass a bit will help you at least get started eating healthier and getting you to move! I will give you some basic at home exercises to do down the road a bit, and there will also be more advanced exercises that will have to be done in a gym, for those of you desiring these programs.

So, no matter your experience, from absolute beginners (my favorite guys!) to the more advanced training, there will be something for everyone. I truly hope you enjoy these episodes and that you will participate so we all can get these Pandemic Pounds off so we can enjoy a beautiful, active Summer. My best to all of you!  ~Joey

Saturday, March 27, 2021

INTERVIEW - Matt Mercurio - Part 2 - 1970's-2000's Gay Clubbing and Music

My former client Matt Mercurio returns for the conclusion of his 2-Part Series. In this episode we talk a lot about the music of the 1970's-2000's and our love of gay club dancing. Some of the topics we discuss are: K-Tel Compilation Records, Napster, Casey Kasem's American Top 40 Countdown, Vinyl, Cassettes, CD's, MP3s, Taping Songs Off the Radio, Matt's Famous Chart Keeping since 1983, Apple Music, Flag Waving on the Dance Floor and much more!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Life Enhancing Habits - Part 1

This is part 1 of a 2-part series on 10 Habits that can help give you a heathy life as you age. In this first part, I give an overview, some necessary disclaimers and talk in depth about the first 3 Habits. The remaining 7 will be discussed in the final installment of this series, coming in a couple of weeks.

The main content of this episode is from a draft that I had back from the first year of this show. It was never used. Due to it being done 6 years ago, the audio is not the best as I was working with my first microphone and studio set-up. I currently use my 3rd set-up for recording new episodes so there are big differences.      

Thank you for listening !

Friday, March 12, 2021

INTERVIEW - Gian Carlo Durland - Ripples of Water

In this Interview episode, I am joined by Actor/Writer/Producer Gian Carlo Durland, Independent Filmmaker. Gian Carlo currently has two film projects of interest to the older LGBTQ+ community. Please enjoy this lively discussion about his excellent film Ripples of Water, the difficulties of being over 40 in the gay community and Clutter Luck, his YouTube episodic 'Roadshow' parody.

Here are Gian Carlo's links:
Ripples of Water is currently available on Amazon Prime Video, iTunes and Apple TV

Clutter Luck  YouTube

Friday, March 5, 2021

INTERVIEW - Matt Mercurio - A Client Of Joey's From 25 Years Ago Speaks Out - Part 1

This is Part 1 of a fun conversation that I had with Matt Mercurio, an ex-client and best friend of mine from 25 years ago. Matt was one of the first clients that I had when I moved my training business into Boston gay gyms.

Matt discusses how we met and what it was like having me as his Personal Trainer. We are completely honest in this episode, and maybe I revealed more than I should have. But, I try to be as honest as possible with you guys, and this is an example of that !

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Energy Builds Energy

This is an episode about Procrastination and Lack of Motivation. Often these things can be directly tied to lack of physical or mental energy to take on the task. How can we stay energetic? Well, Energy Builds Energy.

Friday, February 19, 2021

Mistakes Are NOT Mistakes

Sometimes when we get older, especially if we are single and alone, we ruminate on past embarrassing situations or errors that we have made. I wanted to explain my philosophy on how I look at past problems. I talk about how I grew up with a dying mother and how that shaped my life over all these years. I hope this might be some use to you. 

Saturday, December 26, 2020

INTERVIEW - Sgt. Ron - Gay Military Life - Conclusion

In the conclusion of our 5-Part Series on Sgt. Ron's Gay Military Life Stories, he concludes with some intriguing tales of how far the U.S. Military used to go to 'weed out' any suspected (gasp!) HOMOSEXUALS !  He also tells us stories about Turkish Baths (saunas) and his encounters with other foreign soldiers.

If you have not had a chance to hear them, be sure to check-out his 3-Part Gay Prison Guard Series in Season 4.

There are still 2 more episodes coming out in the next 6 days to finish up this Season 5.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

INTERVIEW - Sgt. Ron - Gay Military Life - Part 4

In Part 4 of our 5-Part Series, Sgt. Ron continues his amazing story-telling and discusses his time in Turkey. This is a funny and fascinating tale, giving us insight into what it was like as a gay man in the Military in the 1980's and 1990's. 

Friday, November 6, 2020

INTERVIEW - Sgt. Ron - Gay Military Life - Part 3

In Part 3 of a 5-Part Series, Sgt. Ron continues to tell us his tales of gay life in the United States Air Force.  In this episode, Sgt. Ron tells us of his life during his assignments in The Netherlands and Turkey.

Monday, November 2, 2020

INTERVIEW - Ste7en Foster - 'The Last Alias'

LGBTQ author Ste7en (yes, the 7 is on purpose) joins me to discuss his brand-new memoir The Last Alias, a book discussing his very successful career as an Anime director, writer and producer. We talk about his cult-hit Ghost Stories and how that influenced his life. The Last Alias also dives into his previous 'straight' life and his discovery of multiple aspects of his personality that allowed Ste7en to live as his authentic self.

Thursday, October 29, 2020

The Aches and Pains of Aging

This is a somewhat humorous look at the aging process and ways that we can mitigate the craziness that we go through.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

INTERVIEW - Sgt. Ron - Gay Military Life - Part 2

 In part 2 of this five-part series, Sgt. Ron tells us about his first experiences in gay life, and the interesting men that he met in his early days as a gay man.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Our Elusive Search for Happiness

 For today's episode, I have re-edited some recording that I did 4 years ago about how to focus your own search for Happiness. I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Senior Life Curse: Loneliness

One of the dangers of getting old is the possibility of losing friends and family and isolating yourself in desperation to try to avoid pain. This can deprive you of some wonderful years of your life. Others find the endless search for a life partner to be depressing and debilitating. It seems that no matter what you do, you find yourself alone. And being alone for any length of time, no matter who you are, will eventually lead to loneliness. Loneliness can be crippling.

In this episode, I offer a few suggestions that might help you get started in breaking free from that solitude.

Sunday, August 23, 2020

5 Rules to Get a Second Date

So once you have secured that first date with someone, does it often not go as planned? Did you like the guy but then you didn't receive a call/text for a second date?  Did you do something wrong?

This episode talks about 5 important Rules that will help you make sure that he will want that second date with you !

Friday, August 14, 2020

I See Dead People - Part 2 - How to Embalm a Body

In Part 2 of my 'I See Dead People' series, I thought it would be a good idea to tell you about what exactly happens when a body is embalmed.  As we age, we will encounter the need to make arrangements for funerals, as well as visit them as a friend or relative.  Should it fall on you to make the funeral arrangements, do you know what a loved one would really like for their final disposition? If you have no guidance by written wishes, you will need to make decisions that are difficult within a set amount of time to get all the arrangements in place. Embalm or Cremation? What does each really mean?

I hope that this explanation will allow you to make a more informed decision. This episode is very graphic and deals with procedures done to the body.