Wednesday, November 27, 2024

How Long Is Thanksgiving Day ??

This is a previous show from 2018 that I have edited to put out this year again. Many of us (myself included) are striving to lose a few more pounds, even during the Holiday Season. This episode discusses subtle changes that you can make when planning and consuming your Thanksgiving Dinner that can help keep you on track, so you don't lose any of the hard work that you have put in during these last months. Please keep an open mind and give it a listen. Even choosing to do one or two things that I outline can make a big difference whether you won't gain any additional body fat, or if the Holiday goes completely off-the-rails.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

My First Fan Event

So I had what I am referring to as a Fan Event, because this is probably the closest to an actual Meet-&-Greet that I will ever have. My husband Paco and I hosted two of my long-time fans for a day of hiking and dinner. Henry and Christopher join me for a relaxed (that means with wine) discussion about their thoughts of how they came to be together as a couple for 40 years. We laugh quite a bit and have fun. This wonderful visit came about because I have corresponded with these two listeners for quite some time. We were honored to host these two wonderful men. I hope you enjoy the show. There is an echo at times as we were in my new studio and I haven't put up sound-proofing yet.

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Discovering I Was Gay, Reminiscing About the 1960's & 1970's

A show reminiscing about my early life in the 1960's and 1970's and various things and situations that helped me discover who I was. If you grew up in the 1970's, many of these things will be familiar to you.

** Please note: My Host Site had been hacked and the data was temporarily lost. I haven't been able to put out a show since all this happened. I cut my break short to produce a couple of shows to have ready when the host came back online and I could upload files. This is a show that was made about 4-5 weeks ago.**

** If you did not know what was going on that kept me from putting out new shows, you are not following An Older Gay Guy Show on Facebook. You do not have to have a Facebook account to follow my Page. Everything concerning the show is updated there constantly. FOLLOW An Older Gay Guy Show on Facebook to stay up-to-date with the show! **

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